Thursday, July 15, 2010


I saw this article in Arab News today.

As my previous post mentioned, I am now part of the previous generation, but that doesn't change the fact that I understand that each generation has it's own habits, activities and personalities.

My father used to tell me as he was growing up, fathers used to comment on how their children wasted their time reading books and studying and other such nonsense. they felt that their childrens time was much better used learning a skill. Building, repair, trade or anything else that makes money. As time went by, that generation started picking on the next generation, reprimanding them for spending so much time on computers and video games, when they should be spending their time reading and learning.

Now the cycle is repeating again, with this generation being reprimanded for wanting to spend their time in leisure and fun.

What society needs to understand is that as generations grow older, they enforce their personalities and views on society itself. Society changes and adapts to accommodate this generation. In other words, our Grandfathers generation was focused purely on manual skills. Where people with good talents in trade, building, repair, were very successful. In comes the computer generation and the rise of the Microsofts, Apples, Ataris, Nintendos, Segas and any innovator in the technology industry was king. This generation has a peculiar trait to it though. This generation is very social and anti-social at the same time. With the rise of wireless communication and social networking, people are now able to maintain friendships without ever having to see anyone.

Many people will disagree with me and say "Thats not an actual friendship then", but the fact is, thats not up to us anymore. This is their generation and it's their world. Whether we like it or not, the world will accommodate itself to their needs.

So, please, stop fighting them. Stop trying to force your own outdated views on a generation that does not operate based on your rules. Allow them the freedom to express themselves in the way they want to, and I believe that you will find less frustration and less rebelliousness from them, and maybe, just maybe, they might even respect you a little more.

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